Ürün Kodu

#14.60.302, #14.60.307, #14.60.318, #14.60.306, #14.60.308, #14.60.297-0, #14.60.297-7, #14.60.317, #14.60.305, #14.60.305-9, #14.60.309, #14.60.310, #14.60.311,


Programming Instructions
Reading in of programming card
1. Press the push-button on the back [1]
2. The lock will make a ticking sound (signal). Place the programming card in contact with the lock within 3 seconds
of hearing this signal.
3. Two short rising tone signals confirm that the programming card has been saved successfully.
Reading in of key card or chip key
1. Please place the programming card in contact with the lock.
2. The lock will make a ticking sound (signal). Place the key card or chip key in contact with the lock within 3 seconds
of hearing this signal.
3. Two short rising tone signals confirm that the reading in was successful.
4. The lock can now be opened with the key card or the chip card.
Cancelling the key card or chip key
1. Please place the programming card in contact with the lock.
2. The lock will make a ticking sound (signal). Place the key card or chip key in contact with the lock within 3 seconds
of hearing this signal.
3. Two short rising tone signals confirm that the cancellation was successful.
Delete all keys
To delete all keys at once, please place the programming card for more than 5 seconds in contact with the lock.

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